2900 South 110th Street Suite 101
Omaha, Nebraska 68144
Non-Profit 501(c)3: 27-1699846
One Homerun At A Time


We strive to make a difference with the youth of our community...shouldn't you?
Together, we can do great things.
It takes everyone to make a community work. The community is like a baseball team, it takes everyone on the team to make it successful. Everyone on the team must utilize their skills to not only help themselves but to help others.
Find out how you can help the youth of our community.
We utilize college baseball and softball players to mentor the youth of our community instilling in them our Homerun Life Skills program. Players come from all over the country to play in our Summer College Leagues. Beyond the training they get in the league, we put them through Dale Carnegie Training, help them find internships with businesses in our community and ask them to help us mentor the youth of our community. What better role model than a college athlete that has a great work ethic on the field and in the classroom.

Corn Belt League Website:

Proud Sponsors
© 2020 by MVP4Life