2900 South 110th Street Suite 101
Omaha, Nebraska 68144
Non-Profit 501(c)3: 27-1699846
One Homerun At A Time
Who We Are
MVP4Life is a non profit organization that teaches youth life skills through the game of baseball and softball. MVP4Life youth participate in programs of life skills training that promotes the physical, educational and life skills necessary to prepare and empower them for leadership in their communities and success in their personal lives.
Community Need
Research indicates that supervised programs not only keep children safe and out of trouble, they also significantly improve their academic achievement. Every 26 seconds, one American High School Student drops out of school. Throughout our city, children between the ages of five and 18 suffer from lack of support in their lives. There is no way for them to combat the effects of violence, drugs, low self esteem, lack of role models, etc. We have to give them support to overcome life challenges.
MVP4Life developed a comprehensive set of programs incorporating the MVP4Life’s HOMERUNS Life Skills Curriculum. These programs provide constructive activities of life skills to ensure success in school, in the community, and in life.
MVP4Life’s programs teach youth how to accept situations, set and achieve goals, celebrate well deserved wins, and put disappointments in perspective.
Recognize each participants potential and provide them with the proper tools to develop their skill sets.
Instill leadership values through Team Building and Activities that work with both the mental and physical skills sets providing a work ethic to succeed.
Provide positive role models.